Prior to earning an MFA at Claremont Graduate School, Rodney received his Bachelor's Degree from Penn State in English/Poetry Writing. His third self-published poetry book, entitled Fade, is available now. The prior books were Chin Up and Juggling. Click the tracks below to listen to Rodney recite some recently written poetry.
Click the "Buy Now" link to purchase the poetry book: Fade
the way to love
is uphill
and "are we there yet"
and greasy spoons
leftovers in tupperware
diapers rot for days
in station wagon compartments
cheese crackers crumbs
never go away
the way to love
is drying off after rain
with cotton towel
and downy smell
weeping willows
by marsh
lovers veiled in the mist
are never revealed
the way to love is bumpy
and things fall
out the back
latches don't hold
the way to love
is colored
like a picinic basket
and stands out
in the forest
the way to love
are dentures grinning
on polaroid
eating big cake
at anniversary party...

a poem
has its music
without instrument
lyrics not meant
for piano
sounds its own
a string
it strums
the melody...

imagine rain
summer mornings
you are a kid
warm green garden
think happy
play silly

and pictures
or before
make me feel
make me feel
sitting on a big couch
in pajamas
as parents heap praises
like second helpings
of mashed potatoes
and gravy
turkey sandwiches
and ice cream
at midnight
little pots
from first grade
like great art
we could of talked
till light
a hard hug goodnight
and happy
to be home

we create our prison
and live in a confine -
meant only for ourselves
our choices are the bars
that hold us
or the keys
that set us free